Energy Kit
Enegry |
and |
Mechanics |
Conical Pendulum R444401 |
Torque Scale R444415 |
Flywheel / Gyroscope R444414 |
Time Paradox R444419 |
Spring loaded marble ramp |
Maxwell Pendulum R444411 |
Resonating Pendulum R444412 |
Two dimensional collision R444410 |
multipurpose energy conversion R444403
Mechanics Kit
Minimum energy principle R444400 |
Vertical resonating Beams R444413 |
Magnetism |
and |
Electricity |
Modular magnetic field kit R444432 |
Tangent Galvanometer Manual R444431 |
Current scale R444433 |
DC motor assembly R444439 |
High voltage Electrostatic generator R444435 |
Tangent galvanometer R444430 |
Series of wires R444437 |
Electromotive force ampermeter R444438 |
Electricity Kit |
Mapping of electric field R444436 |
Lan's law R444440 |
Sound |
and |
Waves |
Chladni's Law R444428 |
Kundt's Tube R444451 |
Standing Wave R444450 |
Enegry |
and |
Optics |
Student's optic instruments kit R444460 |
Mirror optic kit R444463 |
Optic fiber R444462 |
12V, 55W hologen lamp R444468 |
Solar ventilator R444467 |
Newton's color wheel R444461 |
Photoelectric tube with array of filters R444471 |
Spectrometer R444464 |
Spectrum |
Optics Kit |
Accurate multi- turn potentiometer R444470
Monochromatic mercury/ UV light source R444472
Gas Theory |
Ideal gas model R444490 |