Conical pendulum

  • Investigation of conical rotational movement.
  • Adjustable frequency.
  • The device allows trigonometric measurement of the conical angle.
  • Investigation of critical angular velocity.
  • Demonstrates that pendulums of equal length but different attached mass spread at the same conical angle, thereby proving its independence of mass.
  •  Disc with spring and weight for demonstrating
    and measuring the centripetal force (Option 2).
  • Demonstrates that pendulums of different lengths and different attached mass rise to the same height above the base (Option 3).
  •  Two control options:
    1. Wireless remote control 2.4GHz (R444401W).
    2. Mobile phone Android application (Phone not
    included) – via Bluetooth (R444401A).
    1. Main device (R444401M).
    2. Disc with spring and weight (R444401D).
    3. Carousel attachment (R444401C).
    4. Full demonstration kit (R444401)
    (Includes options 1,2,3).mini-DSC_2362-2 mini-DSC_2352-4
  • mini-DSC_2388-4


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